The village of Cerdon, in the northern Bugey mountains
Detail: Official icon of Jean-Claude Colin, with Blessed Virgin and Child
Barbery: Cross on the site of the Colin home
Forest of Barbery: hiding place for priests during Revolutionaries' raids - and of quiet for the young Jean-Claude
St Bonnet-le-Troncy, boyhood home of Jean-Claude Colin
River Loire, which flows past the minor seminary of St Jodard
Lyon, Fourvière: ancient chapel of the Blessed Virgin and Basilica
Fourvière: sanctuary of the ancient chapel of the Blessed Virgin.
Cerdon: Fr Colin's first appointment as assistant to his brother, Pierre.
Cerdon: statue in the church of St John the Baptist
Presbytery at Cerdon: home for the first nine years of Jean-Claude's priestly life.
Belley: Minor seminary high school where pioneer Bugey missioners lived
Bugey mountains: village of Lacoux
Bugey mountains: church at Innimont
Bugey mountains: church at Innimont
Bugey mountains: statue at Arandas
Rome: The Quirinale, residence of the Popes at the time of Fr Colin's first visits
Rome: Odescalchi Palace, from the church of the Apostles where Fr Colin stayed in 1833
Belley: Chapel of La Capucinière, first Marist professions, 1836
Lyon, Puylata: General House of the Society of Mary from 1838
Rochefort du Gard: one of the shrines undertaken by Fr Colin and the Marists
Toulon, La Seyne: One of the first high schools established by the Marist Fathers
Marcellange: established by Fr Colin as a place of retreat for his missioners
Trappist monastery at Aiguebelle: Fr Colin would make private retreats here
La Neylière: planned by Fr Colin to be a place of silence and retreat
La Neylière: book belonging to Fr Colin
La Neylière: Fr Colin's study
La Neylière: winter sunset, from the room of Fr Colin
La Neylière: bedroom of Fr Colin
La Neylière: crucifix laid in the hands of Fr Colin upon his death
La Neylière: resting place of Fr Colin

Seeking graces

Our Church believes that the Saints in Heaven intercede for those of us on earth. In the process of seeking Beatification and Canonisation of a holy person, we seek graces from God through the intercession of that person.
Marists, their families and friends seek the intercession of Jean-Claude Colin. Postulator of Fr Colin's Cause, Fr Carlo-Maria Schianchi SM, advises: 'Do not necessarily ask for a miracle through the intercession of Fr Colin. Ask, rather, for graces.' Sometimes, according to God's providence, the grace may be miraculous.
Throughout the world a growing number of people are seeking graces through the intercession of Fr Colin. On this page are some of those people and the graces they are seeking. Let us pray for them through the intercession of Jean-Claude Colin...


Prayers: For bookmark prayers for graces through the intercession of Jean-Claude Colin: click here
Fr Justin Taylor SM     |     Maël Faucon-Mouton     |     Sr Jhorna Gomes SMSM    
Prayers of thanks:    Hannah Bennett     |     Anthony de Salis
The deceased: some of those seeking graces through the intercession of Jean-Claude Colin,  aware of the seriousness of their condition, have sought the blessings of a holy and happy death. For others, those supporting them in prayer have prayed for those same graces.   Click


Reluctant Founder 0918 JCC bio 18

Fr Justin Taylor SM

Now in palliative care in Auckland, NZ, Fr Justin continues to be grateful for the prayers of many through the intercession of Jean-Claude Colin.
For earlier updates click here.




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Maël Faucon-Mouton

Young Maël lives near Lyon, France, aged 9 at the time of diagnosis with leukemia. His parents, friends and the Marists seek healing for Maël through the exclusive intercession of Jean-Claude Colin.
For the original request for prayer, click here. For prayer cards seeking his healing click here for French   |   English.




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Sr Jhorna Gomes SMSM

Sr Jhorna is the first Bengali woman to become a Missionary Sister of the Society of Mary.  In recent times she has been on mission in Jamaica.
Sr Jhorna (50) has been diagnosed with lung cancer that has metastasized. Her Sisters invite you to join them in praying for healing through the intercession of Jean-Claude Colin.
Click to download the bookmark prayer and novena for Sr Jhorna.  Click for latest update.



Prayers of thanks

When graces are received, those once seeking graces pray in gratitude for blessings received through the intercession of Jean-Claude Colin and the prayers of others.
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Hannah Bennett

Hannah lives in Sydney, Australia. In August 2017 Hannah (then 20) was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
With our Marist Family, her family sought the grace of healing for Hannah through the intercession of Jean-Claude Colin.
For the remarkable account of her recovery in her latest update: click here
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 Anthony de Salis

Anthony lives in Canberra, A.C.T., Australia, the nephew of Fr Michael Rego SM. In September 2019, in his final year of biochemistry studies at Australian National University, he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Since then he has graduated - and is now in full remission from his illness. Anthony and his family are grateful for the prayers of many who have sought the grace of healing for him through the intercession of Jean-Claude Colin.
For the latest update, click here.